本帖最后由 xyiday 于 2011-6-5 23:10 编辑
卖 正版 2手书,适合 griffith 的 master of business
1.Slack. N., Chambers, S., & Johnston, R. (2010). Operations Management (6 th ed.). Essex: Prentice Hall. [7201hsl] $60
还有master of commerce
1. [7105AFE]Gibson, A. Fraser, D., Business Law (3rd edition), Pearson Education. $15
2. Kroenke David, Bunker Deborah, Wilson, David. (2010), Experiencing MIS, Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd, Frenchs Forest, NSW. ISBN 978-1-4425-0325-0 $50
3.Gans, J., King, S., Stonecash, R. and Mankiw, N. (2009), Principles of Economics, Fourth edition, Thomson, Melbourne. $50
4.Gibson, A., & Fraser, D., Business Law (5th edition, Pearson Education: Sydney, 2010) $80
所有课本连notes, tutorial answer, assignments, additional readings 一起卖了啊 !!! {soft copy}
qq:105170537 |
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