如果过了约定入住时间,那就产生实质损失,A应赔偿损失。但注意到文中写的合同内容的阐述,“上面写着 IF THERE IS NO DAMAGE TO THE HOUSE, FULL BOND WILL BE RETURNED. 这句话是有着的,但是钱却只给了150.显然矛盾在这里,”,那么A都没有入住,更不会有损坏,反悔时间也是当天,房东没有遭到实质性的损失,应该是给与退还才合情理。
Direct quote from RTA (Residential Tenancy Authority)
If a prospective tenant completes an application for tenancy and is accepted as a tenant and then decides against entering into a tenancy agreement they may find that the lessor/agent still wants to charge rent or claim compensation until a replacement tenant can be found.
Direct quote from RTA (Residential Tenancy Authority)
If a prospective tenant completes an application for tenancy and is accepted as a tenant and then decides against entering in ...
gohcl 发表于 2009-1-21 23:05