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[贷款服务] Vision Accounting Firm 会计培训,实习; 会计服务;购房银行贷款









Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

acc-vision 发表于 2012-1-10 14:11:17
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本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2014-9-15 20:29 编辑

Vision Accounting Home Loan:

我们的home loan紧密的和悉尼,墨尔本最大的home loan broker公司,N1 Finance建立了联系。


·        帮您免费向Westpac, ANZ, Bankwest, Commonwealth Bank, Suncorp, Homeside, StGeorge, Macquarie Bank, AMP 9大金融机构申请upfront valuation。也就是说,在您还没有申请贷款之前,就可以免费申请估价。比较适合refinance的客户。我们可以帮您申请两家到三家估价,您可以从中选一家您满意的银行,申请贷款,做到心中有数。

·        由于我们是 Westpac, Suncorp,Bankwest的白金级broker,我们可以直接对话这几家银行的BDM。我们的enquiry,他们承诺当日回答。这样就可以保证您在最短时间内得到反馈,保证您的贷款成功。

·        Discount rate:您还为寻找低interest  rate,选择银行,怀疑自己的借贷能力而辗转反侧吗?由于我们是由30个brokers组成大强大队伍。保证了我们和各大银行的话语权。我们可以帮你申请interest rate discount。同时,根据我们的经验,根据您的个人情况,为您设计贷款计划,保证您成功settled您梦寐以求的房产。

Vision Bookkeeping:
我们的团队由经验CPA会计师组成。为您提供高品质的bookkeeping服务。我们的客户有来自不同的领域 property development,restaurant,importing company,whole sale andretail company,registered training institution and so on。



·        会计系统的初始建立:MYOB,Quickbook,Xero。

·        建立公司财务管理的结构:Accounts payable; Accounts receivable; Bank Reconciliation;Monthly Financial Reports; Payroll.

·        库存管理系统和会计的结合。

·        日常帐目录入和管理。

·        年底报表审核,为您节省tax agent的费用。

·        透明:在初次咨询后确定费用,不会有隐性费用。
·        合理:回答客户的问题,无论是email或者电话,都不会另行收费。

Vision Accounting Training/Internship:

雇主需要什么?查看seek.com.au可以得出结论:Accounting handson skills;experience personal skills and interviewskills.

Vision Accounting training and internship可以提供你什么?

Accounting skills:AP/AR,Bank Reconciliation, Company credit card Reconciliation,Payroll processing, BAS preparation, Month ends reporting, statutory reporting,Budget and cash flow forecast, foreign currency transactions.

Experience: 参加VisionAccounting 的internship,积累真实工作经验。这样你才有资格敲开澳洲公司的大门,学有所用。

Personal skills: 培训课程当中,我们会根据讲课的内容,穿插如果工作当中遇到相关的工作内容,怎样和各个部门协调处理。同时,根据以往其他已经开始工作的学员的经验,怎样能在corporate environment里,和同事老板相处融洽,从而有个愉快的工作经历。

Interview skills:我们会不时地和大家分享其他学员面试的经验,并且根据trainer自己的经验,总结出面试的注意事项。并且,在面试前,我们可以免费帮你gothrough job requirement,尽最大努力帮你准备难得的面试机会。

Vision Accounting 作为你的referee 和mentor,帮你走上会计职业道路。我们一起为之努力。


·       CPA经验会计师英文主讲:trainer不仅有丰富的会计工作经验,同时还有丰富的教学经验。耐心的为您讲解。您不用担心问问题太多,而受到冷遇。

·        Free MYOB advance leveltraining:通过课程学习,对MYOB各个功能又全面的了解和应用。

·        课程内容设置基于雇主需求:课程结构是和雇主的对员工的要求设计。请查看www.seek.com.au 中的accounting job requirements,您会发现我们的course list和这些jobrequirements有惊人的相似。

·       Free resume modification:您的简历会由trainer亲自修改。trainer对雇主要求有透彻的理解和丰富的经验,同时,通过对您简历的修改,对您的背景有充分的了解,为将来做一份雇主满意的referencecheck打好基础。

·       Free excel :Advance level excel skills (Vlookup,sumif, PivotTable and so on)。Excel的作用在会计工作中不容小视, 被大量用于各种reconciliation和financial reports。有扎实的Excel技能,为您面试和将来的工作提供优势。

·        保证小班授课,随时开课:每个班新生不超过6人。Trainer就可以有足够精力照顾到每给人。每个月都会有新的培训课程,满足您的时间安排。

·        每个session 确保4小时授课时间:充裕的授课时间是保证课程质量的关键。Trainer为了保证您的听课效果,不会因为时间关系而忽略你的问题。如果有必要,有的班级还会免费加授课时间。学生永远不会有愚蠢的问题,只有认真的为提高自己的技能而生的问题。有问题永远比不懂装懂更聪明。

·       提供reference:参加internship后,我们会提供internship working reference。

·        免费试听:如果您对我们怎样才能帮助你找到工作仍旧不确定,欢迎参见免费试听课程。试听后,在作决定。

·        免费重听:以以往的经验,大部分学生在第一次听课过程中,并不能全部掌握所学内容。Vision Accounting提供免费重听。有新的课程开始,您可以通知预留位置。重听次数不限。为你提供最大的空间,自信满满的开始工作。

课程内容根据你job hunting的不同目标设置为两个level:
Level One

为您找到 Accounts all rounder,  Accounts clerk, Bookkeeper, Accounts payable and receivable clerk的工作而设置

Session 1

·          Accounts payable  control procedures in a corporate environment.
·          Practical skills  required for accounts payable officer – batching, matching, coding tax  invoices.
·          Tax invoice processing  in MYOB.
·          Payment organization  and processing
·          Suppliers statement  reconciliation
·          Month end assisting

Session 2

·          Accounts receivable  control procedures in a corporate environment.
·          Sales processing in  MYOB.
·          Payment collection  (email and phone manner)
·          Bad debt, credit  adjustment journals processing
·          Month end assisting

Session 3

Bank and credit card reconciliation

Session 4

GST reconciliation and  BAS preparation
·          GST reconciliation
·          BAS form preparation  and lodgement
·          Clearing jouranls  after BAS lodgement

Session 5

·          Payroll caculation and  processing in MYOB
·          Employee file set up  in MYOB
·          Superannuation  lodgement
·          PAYG withhoding tax  caculation
·          Payroll tax processing
·          Employee termination  procdedures and processing
·          Payroll tax processing

Session 6

EXCEL applied in  accounting

Level Two

为您找到 Assistant accountant,  Accounts all rounder, Accounts clerk, Bookkeeper, Accounts payable and  receivable clerk的工作而设置

Session 1

Fixed assets  management
·          Fixed asset  allocation.
·          Fixed assets register  updating.
·          Fixed assets disposal.
·          Journal processing.
·          Fixed assets related  accounts reconciliation.

Session 2

Prepayment, accrual
·          Prepayment- prepayment  reorganization, spread sheet updating, journal processing.
·          Accrual – accrual  journals and reconciliation.

Session 3

GL reconciliation
·          Other Balance sheet  items reconciliation – GST, PAYG, superannuation, petty cash, trade creditor  and trade debtor.

Session 4

P & L analysis,  Forecast, budget, cash flow
·          Profit & loss  report analysis.
·          Foreign currency gain  and loss.
·          Intercompany transactions.

Session 5

Budgeting and  forecast, cash flow forecasting and planning and audit assistance
·          Budgeting and  forecast.
·          Cash flow forecasting  and planning.
·          Audit assistance.

Session 6

EXCEL applied in  accounting

Level Three

为您找到 Assistant Management  Accountant, Inventory officer, Purchasing officer 的工作而设置

Session 1

Inventory control procedures
·          Set up SKU and  inventory items in system.
·          Inventory purchase and  sales processing.
·          Inventory reports  analysis.

Session 2

Inventory related accounts management and  reconciliation
·          Inventory accounts  reconciliation.
·          Inventory adjustment  and revaluation.
·          COGS accounts  management.

更苦恼的是有雇主给你打电话,你却不能 secure face to face的面试;或者面试当中;
那你来参加 interview course吧
·        Send resume to trainer
·        Trainer to go over resume
·        Research/job hunt
Session One: (two hours)
·        Introduction
·        Resume review, hints
·        Do’s and don’ts
·        Go over interview questions (types)
·        Questions – how to answer
·        Questions – behavioural
Session Two: (two hours)
·        Review
·        Phone interview basics
·        Prepare answers for behavioural questions
·        Prepare answers for technical questionsaccording to your abilities
Session Three: (two hours)
·        Review
·        Phone and face to face interview rehearsal

Rachel Hao
Senior Account
0451 944 868
Vision Accounting

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回复置顶码: 267287

 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-1-10 14:17:32
Hello Rachel

How are you?

did you have good chirstamas and new years holiday?

I hope you did!

Good news! I finally signed the contract and it's for 3 month probatioin again :(

But it's better than nothing :)

I'm very sorry for late contact, I moved to North of Brisbane (Nudgee Beach)

and try to settle down here..

Honestly, After I come home, I don't really want to look at computer ..

cos it reminds me of works hahahahaha

Have you heard from anyone of my classes?

I kind of keep contacting with Sonal.. she said she opend her shop at Capalaba.

but with rest of studetns I didn't contact them.. :(

I hope everyoone is good with their life.

anyway, please reply me when you can :)

 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-1-18 09:06:11
Hello Rachel,

Thank you for being supportive to me all the time.

I am glad to inform you I have secured a position in a consulting agent. They actually do recruiting as well. So the interview tips I have got from you did work well with all the interviews.

I would like to share my interview experience with all other trainees.

Interview with agents:

1. Over the phone agents can ask you a lot of questions, get ready for that.

My very first telephone interview was with an agent. I was in a busy grocery shop and I did not want to lose any chance in getting a job. The lady over the phone asked me more than 10 questions. For example:

•        Can you tell me a bit about your self?
•        What’s the reason you applied for the position?
•        Why you resigned from last job?
•        Do you think what can be the motivation for work?
•        Can you be initiative? Give an example?
•        What’s your strength and weakness?
•        What do you think is the challenges in accounting area?
•        What’s your career plan in the following five years?
•        What type of team member you are?
•        What type of team I would like to work with?
•        Can you tell me any accomplishment in your work?
•        What’s your expected salary package?

This lady eventually invited me for a face to face interview in her office and put me in         her shortlist. During the interview, the lady emphasised the importance about the answer about initiatives and motivation which will definitely impress the possible employers. You need to make a short but impressing description about this point.

•        You have to bear this in mind. You have to be prepared to answer phone calls all the time when you are in job hunting. Thus you would know who you are talking to and have idea what you need to say. You’d better have some notes to help you answer the questions over the phone.
•        After you send out your resume, you shouldn’t think they might not response to your application. My experience is, sit down, grab a piece of paper, read the ads over and over again, try to think what questions they possibly ask if they call you. And prepare answer for that.

2. To impress the agents or employers by ringing them with brief but clear       introduction.

When I first started job hunting, I did not want to spend too long because I have been confident that I can find an idea job. When I saw a job advertised on Gumtree, and the description just matched what I learnt from Rachel, I think I am definitely capable for this position. I rang up this agent and impressed the agent by my brave and confidence. This agent helped me a lot including advising for modifying my resume better. I finally got a job offer from the agent with all his kind help.

•        It’s quite possible the agent show you impatient attitude over the phone. And most of them will ask you just send them a resume first. Please don’t be sacred of it because you are trying to win the 10% or maybe less opportunities. But at least you have tried and it works when you meet the right person.
•        Achievements in your resume are the sparkle for your skills.

3. Interview with employer

I got HR’s phone call from a construction company which is nearby me house. After confirm the expectation salary package and my language is ok, I was invited for an interview to their company.

The staff in this company did seem very friendly, but I was trying my best. During the interview, the finance manger passed me a water bill and asked me to find out the problem of this invoice. I was thinking that this is impossible to be so easy, and I spent half minute to look at the format of the invoice, the description, balance, but everything seems right. And then I told them that I can only say water bill doesn’t including GST and there is no mistake in this invoice. Amazingly, that was the answer they were after. The Human resources manager asked me about my MS Office skills and which functions I can use in Excel and Word. I am quite confident to describe functions as Rachel told me to prepare it, v-lookup and pivot table are good functions I can definitely show up. But for Word, it’s a bit hard to tell what function is exactly. I told them I can show them if they provide me computer. Everything seemed going alright. But the interview was ruined till the HR manager asked my visa status. The day after, I was told over the phone that I did not get this job. Well, I don’t like the company anyway.

•        Interview questions are all similar. Self-introduction is the important part to impress your interviewer. They will always ask the reason why you leave the previous job. A good presentation for your resume can impress yourself as will organised person.
•        When they ask if you have any questions, there are some questions you prepared beforehand maybe being answered during the interview. Try to prepare more questions just in case.

But please remember, follow what Rachel said during the class. And don’t give up anytime.


 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-1-21 12:23:11
Hi all,

How have you been?

Please join me in congratulating one of our trainees, David successfully secure a bookkeeper position recently.

When I first time met him, he was such a quiet and shy guy. However, he is the one work really hard. I was surprised with the questions he asked during the class. I can tell he did his homework very well.

He said interview questions were easy. Sounds like he is lucky. However, again, I would say solid technical skills bring confidence to you. If you are suffering with interviews, please bare this in mind, no need to question yourself, we should thank the interviewers give us opportunity to accumulate our interview experience. And you are preparing for your “the one”.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Rachel Hao

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: interview experience
Date:        Thu, 19 Jan 2012 21:55:24 +1000
From:        Peng
To:        "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Hi Rachel
Just let you know I have been working for a week. It is a bookkeeper position. I got the interview last Thursday from a employer. Nothing was tricky with the Interview questions. Employment history was enquired and what I did in former companies was asked. After that, we had a few gossipy. That is all.
good luck with all job seekers
 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-2-7 20:28:38
Hi all,

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Last Friday, our trainee, Angie went to an interview with a direct employer. She got this interview on Seek.

Interesting thing is the interviews didn’t ask her any technical questions. They only asked some general behaviour questions and mainly focused on team working aspect. Actually, I did expect those behaviour questions when I prepared the interview with her as in the job requirement, being an efficient team member took a lot space.

Some trainees confused how to prepare interview. I would say focus two points, your resume and the job requirements. Basically, you need to start with analysis how your experiences match up the requirements and what soft skills they would appreciate.   Then google the top 100 interview questions and see what questions they can ask related to that.

I also met up Scott who has successfully being working in an investment company since end of last year. The best of my job is getting good news that you all are doing well with your job or job hunting. However, I am not surprised he can be good with the job as he is prepared very well for this opportunity for long time in respect of both technical and behaviour side. He is the only one who can bring questions in after each class. Those who have already started the course are supposed to share the questions already. But can I ask how many of you have gone through those questions?  He actually took so many interviews either with agents and direct employers. He still kept contact with most of interviewers even though he hasn’t succeeded in those interviews. He is smart. I am pretty sure he will achieve his career goal in a relatively short period.

All in all, we all know an old saying; the opportunity is for those who prepare well. If you are taking interviews, please sharing your precious experience with us. So we all can learn from each other’s mistakes and successes.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Rachel Hao
0451 944 868

amoooo 发表于 2012-2-20 10:45:20
这个课程是全实践课吗?level 1比如如何操作公司里具体的AR,AP,BOOKKEEPING等,在哪里上课?怎么收费的?什么时间上课?
 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-2-20 21:29:19 来自手机
本帖最后由 acc-vision 于 2012-2-20 21:31 编辑
amoooo 发表于 2012-2-20 10:45
这个课程是全实践课吗?level 1比如如何操作公司里具体的AR,AP,BOOKKEEPING等,在哪里上课?怎么收费的?什 ...

谢谢你的咨询。整个课程设置都是实践操作。例如AP,从怎么issue purchase order,matching,coding invs,organize payment,processing payment,怎么做eft payment,supplier statement reconciliation,等等。总之就是training后,你会掌握full function of accounts payble。更多详细信息,欢迎致电咨询。
 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-2-20 21:35:47 来自手机
acc-vision 发表于 2012-2-20 21:29
谢谢你的咨询。整个课程设置都是实践操作。例如AP,从怎么issue purchase order,matching,coding inv ...

之所以说是实践,是因为上课的myob file和documents都是真实data,模拟真实工作中的responsibilities。如果有意了解更多,请make appoitment,或者试听。
 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-2-23 10:04:13
Hi all,

Hope you all are well.

Please join me in congratulating our trainees, Maggie and Cancel successfully secured accounting positions as Accounts All Rounder and Assistant Accountant respectively.

Cancel’s company is using SAP system. He secured the position without any SAP experience. The employers clearly mentioned during interview, System is not an issue and they would love to provide training. So for those who are worried that you are lack of SAP experience, please no need to be freaked out when you see the requirement of SAP. As cancel said, give it a go, there is no cost for you at all! I like his confidence.

You probably are suffering with your journey of job hunting. Some girls even said to me they feel like there is no hope to get a job at all. Let me tell you this, both Maggie and Cancel shared the same feeling as you before they got the job. They finished the training course last year. It also took them a couple of months finally to succeed in the interview. How many interviews did they go through, 5 or ten, even more? Some trainees haven’t finished the training, but have already been in interviews for so many times. Take your time to accumulate your interview skills. And after the interview, if you are not gone through, try to write down the problems and solutions. So be patient and stick on your goal. You will be there.

“There is nothing easy in a grown up’s life. The most difficult thing is usually most valuable one”. Let us work together.


 楼主| acc-vision 发表于 2012-3-1 20:14:03
Hi all,
How have you been?
Just would like to share some interview experience with you all.
Some trainees are continually having interviews. However unfortunately, so far we haven’t heard any good news from them yet. They seem like so depressed when they called me after the interview. But please bear this in mind; no one achieved their goals like a finger click. All of us have been through dark period first time when we look for job. I am sure yours is not the worst one. However, please have faith in yourself. If you don’t think you can, it’s impossible you would convince others you are the one.
Be confident.
How to build confidence? Strong technical skills. No other way. It’s not the first time that trainees have experienced technical skills test during the interview. If you don’t know about debit and credit, you are lucky you can get a job. Practice, practice and practice. Accounting software is so smart somehow as it helps you a lot with journals. But please always repeat the journals yourself after you use functions. During interview, you don’t have smart functions to let you know journals. It’s significant foundation of your accounting career.
Be prepared.
I remembered a trainee who has worked as AP clerk told me her story. She spent 3-4 hours every day to apply jobs. After she applied, she would write a note how her skills match the requirements. When they called, she exactly knew what the employers were after. Smart her.
Be determined.
Cancle has happily worked under the title assistant accountant for two weeks. And so far so good. Before this position, he got feedback from one company he had interview with. They said he was not sure what he actually wanted to do as a career. During the interview, they asked why you took CFA exam. He said as people surrounding me are taking it so do I. They asked if you want to focus finance or accounting area in future. He said I wouldn’t mind any to fit in your company. He realized the problems as well after the interview. We can show we are multi-tasked and wouldn’t mind getting our hands dirty. But not as a cleaner when you apply accounting job. No offence to Cancle. Truly thanks for his experience sharing.
All in all, you are prepared and skilled, then it’s just time. Trust yourself.
Finger cross to everyone.



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