本帖最后由 sicher 于 2011-8-15 20:06 编辑
Frijters, P., Dulleck, U. and Torgler, B. (2009), Introductory Economics for Decision Makers, 2nd edition, South Melbourne; Cengage. $40
Condition: 90% new
Horngren C T, Datar S M, Foster G, Rajan M V, Ittner C, (2009) Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis (13th edition), Pearson Education, New Jersey.$55
Condition: 99% new
Hargovan & Adams, Australian Corporate Law, LexisNexis Butterworths, 2nd edition (2010). $50
Condition: 90% new
Australian Corporations Legislation 2010 $30
Condition: 99% new
Leo, K., Hoggett, J., Sweeting, J. and Radford, J. 2009. Company Accounting, 8th edition, John Wiley & Sons Australia. $50
Condition: 90% new
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