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[Brisbane] 请问有人知道那个Medicare surcharge 是年薪超过多少要付么?









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jennyzeng 发表于 2013-3-4 08:23:58 来自手机
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大地飞歌 发表于 2013-3-4 21:30:56
本帖最后由 大地飞歌 于 2013-3-4 21:33 编辑

cottoncandy 发表于 2013-3-4 13:25:07
 楼主| jennyzeng 发表于 2013-3-4 09:06:16 来自手机
bruce_gd 发表于 2013-3-4 08:29:03
Single parents and couples (including de facto couples) are subject to family tiers. For families with children, the thresholds are increased by $1,500 for each child after the first.

The surcharge income threshold is indexed annually. Currently, you have to pay the surcharge if you are:
a single person with an annual taxable income for MLS purposes greater than $80,000 in the 2011-12 financial year; $84,000 in the 2012-13 financial year; or
a family or couple with a combined taxable income for MLS purposes greater than $160,000 in the 2011-12 financial year; $168,000 in the 2012-13 financial year. The family income threshold increases by $1,500 for each dependent child after the first;
and do not have an approved hospital cover with a registered health fund.
You must also pay the surcharge if you are a prescribed person with a taxable income over the threshold, and have any dependents who are not prescribed persons and who are not covered by an approved health cover policy as described above.

This means if you are a family, have a combined income of more than $168,000, and don't have hospital cover for you, your partner, and your children, you will pay the MLS.

You must meet one of the following requirements to avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge:
your taxable income for MLS purposes is below the income threshold (see above),
your taxable income for MLS purposes is over the income threshold and you have hospital insurance (see below) for you and all of your dependents with a registered health fund, with a front-end deductible or excess no greater than $500 for singles or $1,000 for families/couples,
you are normally exempt from the Medicare levy because you are a prescribed person and you do not have any dependents. Your  income level is not considered in this case,
you are a high-income earner who had already purchased a hospital insurance product with a front-end deductible or excess greater than $500 for singles or $1,000 for families/couples, on or before 24 May 2000. In this case you will continue to be exempt from the surcharge as long as you maintain continuous membership under the same hospital treatment policy.
To be exempt from the surcharge, your hospital cover must be held with a registered health fund and cover some or all of the fees and charges for a stay in hospital, with an excess no greater than $500 for singles or $1,000 for couples/families. General treatment cover without hospital cover will not provide an exemption; and overseas visitors cover, overseas student health cover or cover held with an international insurer will not provide an exemption.

To work out your annual income for MLS purposes, you can refer to the Australian Taxation Office's Medicare Levy Surcharge Income Test or contact the ATO directly.
bruce_gd 发表于 2013-3-4 08:27:23
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