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    [其他] 最新移民进度及政策变更(每周更新)









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    Marshal 发表于 2009-8-20 22:14:55
    3546 4


    本帖最后由 Marshal 于 2009-8-30 16:16 编辑

    Priority Processing - Change From 1 January 2009

    Following recent announcements by the Minister for Immigration and
    Citizenship, in response to the current global economic environment,
    processing of General Skilled Migration applications gives first priority
    to applications in the following two categories:

    1. Applications with a successful State or Territory Nomination; and
    2. Applications where the nominated occupation is identified on the
    Critical Skills List (CSL).

    Note: Due to the number of applications in the above two categories, on
    hand and being received, applications not on the CSL, or applications
    without a successful State or Territory nomination, will be delayed until
    those applications which meet the processing priorities are finalised. This
    includes those on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL)

    Priority Application Processing Information

    As a result of the priority processing direction expalined above only
    applications from the following priority groups will be allocated to case

    1. State or Territory Nominated Applications - These applications have
    the highest priority for allocation once the department has received and
    approved a nomination from a State or Territory authority.

    2. Applications with a nominated occupation on the Critical Skills List
    (CSL) - these applications are allocated and processed after the State and
    Territory Nominated applications.

    Priority Processing Exemptions

    Visa Subclasses 485, 476, 487 and 887 are exempt from the priority
    processing changes. Applications under these subclasses will continue to
    be processed in the order in which they were received by the Department –
    the following subclass by application lodgment date identifies cases
    currently being considered:

    Visa Subclass Month/Year Lodgment
    VC 485 (paper): 15 November 2008
    VC 485 (e-lodged): 29 February 2008 (Please note - E-lodged
    applications lodged after 29 February 2008 will be processed in Brisbane)
    VF 476 (paper): 6 September 2008
    VF 476 (e-lodged): 6 September 2008
    VC 487 (paper): 1 April 2009
    VB 887 (paper): 2 April 2009

    Priority Processing Exemptions

    Visa Subclasses 485, 487 and 887 are exempt from the priority processing
    changes. Applications under these subclasses will continue to be processed
    in the order in which they were received by the Department – the following
    subclass by application lodgement date identifies cases currently being

    E-lodged Visa Subclass Month/Year Lodgment
    VC 485 (non trade): 30 November 2008
    VC 487 (non trade): 18 April 2009
    VB 887 (all): 1 January 2009

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    免责声明: 本网站所提供的信息,只供参考之用。本网站不保证信息的准确性、有效性、及时性和完整性。本网站及其雇员一概毋须以任何方式就任何信息传递或传送的失误、不准确或错误,对用户或任何其他人士负任何直接或间接责任。在法律允许的范围内,本网站在此声明,不承担用户或任何人士就使用或未能使用本网站所提供的信息或任何链接所引致的任何直接、间接、附带、从属、特殊、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿。

    bonniell 发表于 2009-8-20 22:30:16
    高小白 发表于 2009-8-20 22:43:02
     楼主| Marshal 发表于 2009-8-30 16:16:31
    GENERAL SKILLED MIGRATIONADELAIDE PROCESSING INFORMATION This is an automated e-mail response which provides updated information onskilled migration applications being processed by the Adelaide SkilledProcessing Centre (ASPC). Please do not reply to this email address asthis mailbox is not monitored. Contact details for the ASPC are listedbelow.  Priority Processing - Change From 1 January 2009 Following recent announcements by the Minister for Immigration andCitizenship, in response to the current global economic environment,processing of General Skilled Migration applications gives first priorityto applications in the following two categories: 1. Applications with a successful State or Territory Nomination; and2. Applications where the nominated occupation is identified on theCritical Skills List (CSL). Note: Due to the number of applications in the above two categories, onhand and being received, applications not on the CSL, or applicationswithout a successful State or Territory nomination, will be delayed untilthose applications which meet the processing priorities are finalised. Thisincludes those on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL) Details of the Minister’s announcements can be found on the DIAC websitevia the following link:http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ion/whats-new.htm#j  Priority Application Processing Information As a result of the priority processing direction expalined above onlyapplications from the following priority groups will be allocated to caseofficers. 1. State or Territory Nominated Applications - These applications havethe highest priority for allocation once the department has received andapproved a nomination from a State or Territory authority. 2. Applications with a nominated occupation on the Critical Skills List(CSL) - these applications are allocated and processed after the State andTerritory Nominated applications.  Priority Processing Exemptions Visa Subclasses 485, 476, 487 and 887 are exempt from the priorityprocessing changes. Applications under these subclasses will continue tobe processed in the order in which they were received by the Department –the following subclass by application lodgment date identifies casescurrently being considered: Visa Subclass Month/Year LodgmentVC 485 (paper): 13 March 2009VC 485 (e-lodged): 29 February 2008 (Please note - E-lodgedapplications lodged after 29 February 2008 will be processed in Brisbane)VF 476 (paper): 25 September 2008VF 476 (e-lodged): 25 September 2008VC 487 (paper): 1 April 2009VB 887 (paper): 2 April 2009 OTHER PROCESSING NEWS  MEDICAL RESULTS Please do not post your HSA onshore medical results to us. Do not open thesealed envelope, or forward the results to the Department, unless your caseofficer specifically requests you to do so.
    Priority Processing Exemptions Visa Subclasses 485, 487 and 887 are exempt from the priority processingchanges. Applications under these subclasses will continue to be processedin the order in which they were received by the Department – the followingsubclass by application lodgement date identifies cases currently beingconsidered: E-lodged Visa Subclass Month/Year LodgmentVC 485 (non trade): 30 November 2008VC 487 (non trade): 18 April 2009VB 887 (all): 1 January 2009 Trade Occupations Due to the integrity issues within this caseload as highlighted in themedia over recent months we are taking a different approach to theprocessing of applications with a trade nominated occupation. To ensure the integrity of the General Skilled Migration program there willbe ongoing delays in the finalisation of these cases. Please be assuredthat although an application in this category may not be allocated to aspecific case officer it will be under active consideration.
     楼主| Marshal 发表于 2009-9-16 19:49:03
    本帖最后由 Marshal 于 2009-9-16 20:00 编辑

    Priority Processing Exemptions Visa Subclasses 485, 476, 487 and 887 are exempt from the priorityprocessing changes. Applications under these subclasses will continue tobe processed in the order in which they were received by the Department –the following subclass by application lodgment date identifies casescurrently being considered: Visa Subclass Month/Year LodgmentVC 485 (paper): 13 March 2009VC 485 (e-lodged): 29 February 2008 (Please note - E-lodgedapplications lodged after 29 February 2008 will be processed in Brisbane)VF 476 (paper): 25 September 2008VF 476 (e-lodged): 25 September 2008VC 487 (paper): 10 April 2009VB 887 (paper): 7 July 2009

    Priority Application Processing Information

    As a result of the priority processing direction explained above only
    applications from the following priority groups will be allocated to case

    1. State or Territory Nominated Applications - These applications have
    the highest priority for allocation once the department has received and
    approved a nomination from a State or Territory authority.

    2. Applications with a nominated occupation on the Critical Skills List
    (CSL) - these applications are allocated and processed after the State and
    Territory Nominated applications.

    Priority Processing Exemptions

    Visa Subclasses 485, 487 and 887 are exempt from the priority processing
    changes. Applications under these subclasses will continue to be processed
    in the order in which they were received by the Department – the following
    subclass by application lodgement date identifies cases currently being

    E-lodged Visa Subclass Month/Year Lodgment
    VC 485 (non trade): 1 January 2009
    VC 487 (non trade): 28 May 2009
    VB 887 (all): 17 August 2009

    Trade Occupations

    Due to the integrity issues within this caseload as highlighted in the
    media over recent months we are taking a different approach to the
    processing of applications with a trade nominated occupation.

    To ensure the integrity of the General Skilled Migration program there will
    be ongoing delays in the finalisation of these cases. Please be assured
    that although an application in this category may not be allocated to a
    specific case officer it will be under active consideration.
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