really depends on the car |
引擎没有什么毛病就不要乱清洗这个那个的,就按时换所有oil和filter就好 |
I think it is beacuse it box engine. it is horizontal. not like the vertical one, where all the dirt and slug will easily go to the bottom and drain out, all the dirt will stay almost whatever it is. if you do not serve it frequently, it will easily die. further, how much is the service? Thanks. |
之前每次去subaru做service都有这项清洁,subaru主要是保养太贵,一年要做两次,其他新车基本上一年一次,宝马一年半一次,不明白为什么subaru那么娇气,车是好车。。。。。 |
我也去AUTO BORN买了瓶类似的东西,但是不知道怎么用,怕乱用坏了车,下次还是拿到33那边去给他看看 |
you are right |
哥们也开subaru? |