我挺喜歡那部integra的...開起來挺爽...雖然NA2.0的提速是慢了一點... |
pop up lights looks really cool, but costs much to repair if broken |
you hve already give the trues.. thx |
回复 3# funnykuma 你的意思就是说我骗人罗 ? 。。。。 |
回复 4# goldendx thank you handsome !! |
回复 2# TypeR what ture do you want ? |
本帖最后由 fishball828 于 2010-9-24 14:26 编辑 各位楼上的请睁大眼睛看清楚广告啊! 都说了 want more information go to carsales !! 有诚意看车的就去那里找 谢谢! |
no photo...no ture... 但是我開過...所以不需要photo... 頂... |