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[投资理财] 转贷的6个步骤









Rank: 20Rank: 20

KevinHu 发表于 2010-11-4 18:05:03
1331 0


Step 1 - Try to get a better deal

See if you can negotiate a better deal with your current loan provider. Independent financial comparison website Mozo provides a free Home Loan Negotiator service for customers. Mozo finds that on average they are able to save customers 0.75 per cent on their home loans, spokeswoman Kirsty Lamont said.

Step 2 - Check exit fees
If you aren't happy with the result, you need to first check that you won't be hit with an exit fee when you change your mortgage provider. This detail will be outlined in your original loan contract.
If you can't find the figure, then you can request it from your financial institution. Many people are surprised to discover home loan exit fees can add up to thousands of dollars, Ms Lamont said. This is particularly so for non-bank lenders who tend to charge fees as percentage.

Step 3 - Shop around
Comparison websites
Shop around for a new mortgage.  You can use independent financial comparison website such as InfoChoice, Mozo,  or Canstar Cannex. This will allow you to compare hundreds of lenders and loans on the one website.
Mortgage brokers
If you want more personalised advice and service then it pays to talk to a mortgage broker, such as Mortgage Choice or Aussie.

Credit Unions and building societies
These financial institutions are owned by members and operate for the benefit of their members, Ms Lamont said. This means they often have lower rates and fees as they don't have to earn big profits for their shareholders.
APRA has a full list of authorised deposit-taking institutions.

Step 4 - Do your sums
Do the sums before you settle for a mortgage with lots of bells and whistles. They come at a price and you may not need all of them or they may not be suitable for your situation.
It also pays to find out if the institution offers flexible features such as the ability to make extra repayments, a free redraw facility and an offset account, Ms Lamont said.

Step 5 - Negotiate before switching
If you get a reduced rate, ask if you have to transfer all your accounts to the new mortgage provider. Many Australians don't realise that they are eligible for home loan discounts, Ms Lamont said.
For example, if the loan is above the average of about $300,000, most banks will offer a discount on loans about this level. She warns that the onus is on the borrower to ask for the discount as the bank may not offer it to you.

Step 6 - Switch to new account

Switching a new account can be difficult if you have automatic payments set up. Choice and the Federal Government both offer guides to changing financial institutions.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/money/banking/how-to-switch-your-mortgage-provider/story-e6frfmcr-1225947692633#ixzz14IcOa1Ye

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