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    [汽车资讯] Hundreds of road rules put Queensland drivers in a spin(转贴来自couriermail)









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    蓝哥哥 发表于 2013-8-13 14:15:58
    1005 1


    本帖最后由 蓝哥哥 于 2013-8-13 14:17 编辑

    Hundreds of road rules put Queensland drivers in a spin

    CHANCES are you broke the law on your drive to work.

    Did you angrily toot the horn at the dopey driver who missed the green light?

    Did you forget to turn off your fog light?

    Was your handbrake released when you dashed to the ATM?

    Did you reverse up a street to avoid a bin truck?

    When you parallel parked did you leave one metre between you and car in front and behind?

    Perhaps you parked in front of a post box?

    These are danger zones for Queensland drivers and could incur fines of up to $2200 plus penalty points.

    There are hundreds of dos and don'ts in the Queensland Transport Operations (Road Use Management, Road Rules) Regulation 2009.

    IN PICS: World's dumbest drivers

    According to the RACQ, many motorists are oblivious to breaking the law.

    Joel Tucker, senior road safety adviser, said they "don't know what they don't know''.

    He said it was unlikely that everyone knew all of the 300-plus regulations.

    "We are of the view that, while there is room for improvement, the majority of drivers know the majority of road rules that are needed for everyday road use in Queensland,'' he said.

    "Anecdotally, commonly witnessed road rules that people break are failure to indicate, failure to keep left unless overtaking on roads with a speed limit of more than 80km/h and doing U-turns at traffic lights without a U-turn permitted sign,'' Mr Tucker said.

    Master driving trainer Alan Farley disagrees with Mr Tucker's claim that most drivers know the road rules. He believes that three quarters of motorists don't know all the rules.

    "Many people are unaware of the vital road rules, like stopping at a stop sign, never mind the miscellaneous sections of the operations manual.

    THE FULL RUNDOWN: Road rules, take the quiz, videos

    "For a start there are those who do not know that they are even using their fog lights, never mind that it is illegal to keep them on. They don't read their car manuals,'' he said.

    According to the legislation it is illegal for a driver to reverse further than is reasonable in the circumstances. Before leaving a vehicle, the driver must apply the handbrake and the engine must be turned off and keys removed if you are more than three metres away.

    If you don't take action to stop oil leaks then you can be slapped with a ticket. The same applies to music blasting from the radio.

    Love to revv up and create a smoke bubble? Don't.

    Shooting the breeze with your arm out the window? That could result in a ticket too.

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    stfz 发表于 2013-8-13 17:16:40
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