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[雇主担保] 偏远地区雇主担保职位(NT)









Rank: 20Rank: 20

Max0310 发表于 2012-11-12 20:43:29
2038 2


符合条件有意愿者请发简历至[email protected]
Financial Controller
Responsible for the overall management of thefinance function of the resort which includes 5 hotels and a range of retailand dining outlets, airport and other property interests, this seniorleadership position is also responsible for providing commercial and financialsupport to the Executive team on a regular basis.
Working closely with the Executive GeneralManager of Operations, you will ensure you bring your experience within outlethotel, retail or other property operations and knowledge of business systemsand processes to this role.
Additional areas of responsibility include:
- preparation of annual budgets
- monthly P&L and forecast reviews
- team leadership and staff development
- be an active member of the Resort ExecutiveTeam, and Finance team within the group
- Oversee the procurement, Freight andLogistics functions for the Resort
The suitable candidate will have;
- previous experience within a complexmulti-unit operation and experience with operational, finance and businesssystems and processes and internal controls
- previous experience leading and managing ateam and operating at a senior management level with a confident, calm andassertive leadership style
- excellent communication and organisationalskills with strong attention to detail
- proven quality assurance practices andexperience in management reporting and analysis
- an interest and previous exposure toIndigenous Culture and a willingness to support the company’s Indigenousemployment and training goals
- remote living experience preferred howevernot essential
- CPA/CA qualification preferred however notessential
A police checkis required for suitable candidates. Ideal commencement date is mid December2012.

Chef de Cuisine
Your duties and responsibilities willinclude:
·        Preparation and servinghigh quality, innovative food for up to 30 guests
·        Talking to guests,explaining food and seeking their dietary requirements
·        Daily menu planning andconstruction
·        Ensuring meals are ofconsistently high standard and all guests are catered for
·        Supervision and training ofstaff
·        Stock ordering and control
To fulfil our Chef de Cuisine position youwill need to be trade qualified and dedicated to providing exceptional diningexperiences.
You will have a minimum of 7 years postapprenticeship experience including work in a 5 star resort, hotel orrestaurant.
Your communication and organisational skillswill be highly developed as it is expected you will be able to manage a smallkitchen team and converse with guests.
With impeccable personal presentation andhigh professional standards you will lead your team by example.

Night Auditor                 Reportingdirectly to the Night Manager and supporting the Front Desk team, youwill be responsible for completing the night audit function and undertakingnight reception duties. The night audit is a pivotal and vital role within thehotel to ensure all guest room charges are processed and revenues capturedaccurately from hotel outlets. You will be responsible for the production of anumber of end of day financial reports derived from the PMS, as well as anumber of daily management reports required for the following day.             

Of courseyour role is not just about figures, as a member of our Front Office teamyou will be responsible for not only meeting our guests’ needs during the nightand early hours of the morning, but for bringing our hotels to life, engagingwith our guests and of course providing true outback hospitality with a 5 startwist. You will be the front face of our hotels and the first point of contact,on hand to answer our guest’s enquiries, deal with accommodation issues,provide information on our Tours and facilities and of course offer servicessuch as foreign currency exchange.

Above allyou will need to be a passionate and hardworking individual, with anenthusiastic personality that will enable you connect and converse with ourguests who visit us from all over the world, providing them with acomprehensive range of information on what to see and do whilst staying withus.

Tobecome our night auditor you will need to have prior experience as areceptionist or night auditor gained within a 4 or 5 star hotelenvironment. An understanding or background in Accounts combined with otherexperience within the hospitality industry is highly advantageous but notessential, as is prior experience of using Opera PMS, POS and Interfaces.

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CYL 发表于 2012-11-16 11:58:25
 楼主| Max0310 发表于 2012-12-7 11:31:03
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