本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 7-4-2016 03:03 PM 编辑
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-5 14:48
Platinum Accounting白金CPA会计事务所管理会计师/财务总监(MA/FC)培训实习项目-AD...[/td][/tr]
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本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 23-1-2015 12:55 AM 编辑
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-5 15:10
Platinum Accounting白金CPA会计事务所Bookkeeper簿记员培训实习项目-ADL CBD[/td][/tr]
本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 23-1-2015 02:45 AM 编辑
本课程模块包括如下: 1) Module 1: Tax Entities & Planning(企业税务,税务策划及初步计算) 1, Generalinfo regardingtax entities and structures Individual TaxReturncalculation Partnership Tax Return Calculation Company Tax ReturnCalculation Trust Tax ReturnCalculation Self-ManagedSuperannuation Fund 2, Tax Planning & TaxAdvice 2) Module 2: Individual Tax Return & CaseStudy(个人退税及案例分析) 1, Detailed inforegarding individual tax return. E.g. calculationand lodgement 2, Go through labels onIndividual Tax Return Forms - 2015, i.e.income, deduction, offset, Medicareetc. 3, Individual Tax ReturnCase Study on Tax Assistant 4, Employee with groupcertificate & work related deductions 5, Sole trader withbusiness income & expenses 6, Individual with rentalproperties 7, Brief internship tasksfor individual tax return 3) Module 3: Partnership Tax Return & CaseStudy(合伙退税及案例分析) 1, Detailed inforegardingpartnership tax return. E.g. calculation, distribution and lodgement 2, Gothrough majorcontents on Partnership Tax Return Forms - 2015, i.e. income,expense, grossprofit, profit distribution 3, PartnershipTax ReturnCase Study on Tax Assistant 4, Calculatepartnershipincome 5, Calculatepartnershipexpense 6, Calculatepartnershipprofitability 7, Partnershipprofitdistribution 8, Applypartnershipprofit to individual partners 9, Calculatepartner's taxliability after partnership profit distribution 10,Brief internship tasks for partnership return 4) Module 4: Trust Tax Return & Case Study(信托退税及案例分析) 1, Establishing the trustandpros & cons of the trust 2, Familytrust v businesstrust 3, Detailedinfo regardingtrust tax return. E.g. calculation, distribution & lodgement 4, Gothrough majorcontents of Trust Tax Return Forms - 2015, i.e. income, expense,gross profit,profit distribution 5, Trust tax Return CaseStudy on Tax Assistant 6, Calculate trust income 7, Calculate trustexpense 8, Calculate trustprofitability 9, Trust profitdistribution 10, Apply trust profit toindividual partners 11, Calculatebeneficiaries' tax liability after Trust profitdistribution 12,Brief internship tasksfor family trust return 5) Module 5: Company Tax Rerun(商业退税及案例分析) 1, Establishing thecompany andpros & cons of the company 2, Director's duty 3, Detailedinfo regardingcompany tax return. E.g. calculation & lodgement 4, BAS/IAS 5, RelationshipbetweenBAS/IAS; Payroll & Tax Return 6, Gothrough majorcontents of Company Tax Return Forms - 2015, i.e. income,expense, gross profit, 7, Lodgement deadlines 8, Taximplication forcompanies 6) Module 6: Company Tax Rerun Case Study &SMSFIntroduction(公司退税及案例分析,自营养老金案例分析) 1, Company taxReturn Case Study on Tax Assistant 2, Client'sMYOBbookkeeping Record 3, RecodeMYOB codes toTax Assistant codes 4, Record General Ledgerin Tax Assistant 5, RunFinancial Reports,notes to accounts compilation reports in Tax Assistant 6, ImportGeneral ledgerto tax return 7, Passaudit/validationtest 8, Finalise return andsend to client for sign off 9, Tax planning forfollowing year 10, Brief introduction ofSMSF & financial planning 11, Pros & Cons ofSMSF 12,Brief internship tasksfor family company return 培训期间:3-6天兼职培训可以加快缩短至3天全部完成。此培训期可以纳入实习周期,某些底子较好的实习生可以在1-2月内完成全部实习项目。 税务会计实习部分: 无薪培训实习项目是完全免费的,旨在让您在实际工作环境中运用所学的会计操作技能。本项目设计为2-3个月的周期,但是如果您能够有更多的时间加入项目,也就意味着您能够更加快速的结束实习项目。请注意,所有的实习操作数据和内容均已被现白金会计事务所会计师顺利完成过,我们提供内部数据给您,完全旨在为您提供真实的实际会计工作经验。 每一位实习生都会有白金内部监察员进行工作监督。您需要向您的监督人员提供实习任务报告并且在实习结束后由监督人员对您实习期工作状态进行评价,提供正式的工作经验书函。 附加免费服务: 除了所有的会计实习项目为免费外,我们还有很多附加的免费服务。 1,所有培训实习中用到会计应用软件均免费提供; 2,所有培训实习生均可以得到大型上市公司经理级别人员(CPA/CFA)的会计面试培训机会,此服务免费 3,所有培训实习生均可得到免费简历修改服务 4,所有培训实习生均可得到免费就业推荐信息 5,所有培训实习生均可得到免费最新影响个人的会计及金融管理信息 6,所有培训实习生均可得到免费最新税务,ATO及退税策划信息 7,所有培训实习生均可得到免费成功实习生面试经验访谈信息,等等。 如果您对我们的实习项目感兴趣,请随时与我们联系。 140 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 电话号码: (08) 6363 5739 |
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-5 15:15
4 Platinum Accounting CPA会计师事务所税务顾问税务会计师TCTA培训实习项目- ADL CBD
本课程模块包括 ...
本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 23-1-2015 03:13 AM 编辑 About us We are a CPA PublicPractice accounting firm, Our Adelaide Office located in the Adelaide CBD. We provide publicpractice accounting services including preparation of tax returns andbookkeeping. Our firm specializes in individual and small business accountingservices & advice. We help our clients with tax planning, bookkeeping, BAS,company set up, MYOB set up, business advice and strategic planning. We also provide FinanceInternships to help in getting finance roles! If you are interested inapplying, please contact us! Finance Program The finance training usesa financial planning practice as a foundation. It is entirely practical withdetailed industry practices that apply the investment theory learned inuniversity. This is the key to successful job hunting in the finance field. The finance programcombines both formal training and working side by side with us in our office.It is designed to equip you with the sufficient technical skills and experiencerequired for a junior finance role: · Financial Planner Assistant · Fund Administrator · Bank Teller · Wealth Management Services Internship Over Training At Platinum Accounting,we believe the internship experience is more beneficial for candidates toachieve success in their finance career. While training isimportant, your interview and work performance will benefit most from having areal understanding of the finance process and handling real world situations.The intern program gives you this hands-on experience and this 3-6 monthsunpaid internship experience is provided purely for free. Trainer Profile Jeff Poe, CFA, is anexperienced finance professional with over 17 years in the finance industry: MLC Limited Retail Super and Pension products Carstel Pty Limited Feasibility and Development Finance Perpetual Limited High Net Worth Clients TOWER LIMITED Institutional investors and Insurance AMP Limited Wealth Management dealer group Bachelor of EconomicsUniversity of Sydney (1996) Graduate Diploma, AppliedFinance (2003) Diploma of FinancialServices—RG 146 (2006) Chartered FinancialAnalyst, CFA (2010) Target Audience The finance program isspecifically tailored to people with the following background: · Finance Graduates working in non-related areas looking to moveinto finance and seeking to accumulate hands on experience · Migrants withoverseas finance workexperience but lack local working experience Training Includes: 1. Finance industry breakdown and career advice 2. Understanding each all asset classes 3. The Australian share-market 4. Building a financial model 5. Data analysis 6. Investment risk and portfolio management 7. Superannuation and tax 8. Creating a financial plan 9. Risk management and insurance 10. Platforms and Investment structures 11. Implementation of investment theory 12. Derivatives and hedging Duration: There will be 10 modules, run over 10 weeks. Trainingsessions are in the morning and internship tasks in the afternoon. Finance IntenrshipProgram The unpaid InternshipProgram is provided purely for free in order to enhance your technical skillslearnt from training. This is a 6 month part-time program. It can also be fasttracked if required. Please note that all workis designed to provide an opportunity for trainees to accumulate practicalexperience through handling finance situations in the real world. Upon the completion ofthis Internship, we will be able to provide an unpaid internship workexperience reference. The finance Internship will require the completion of a numberof special tasks that relate to the running of the financial planning business.These include: · Research of Self-Managed Super Funds · Comparaing a number of retail and industry super funds · Answering client questions · Producing Investment Committee Reports · Opening an account with Comsec Furthermore, there will be 4 key intern tasks: 1. Making detailed financialplanning, tax, structuring and investment recommendations for 2 clientsituations 2. Production of a detailedclient projection over 50 years including inflation and market return estimates 3. Production of a simplefinancial plan including the superannuation rollovers and insurancerecommendations. 4. Production of a complexfinancial plan including the superannuation, insurance, investment, andproperty advice. The document to include covering letters, details of strategy,alternative strategies, fees charged and disclaimers. If you would like more detailsabout our programs, please view our company website atwww.platinumaccg.com.au. 如果您对我们的实习项目感兴趣,请随时与我们联系。 社交网络联系方式,请随时关注我们! |
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-5 16:11
金融策划师/基金管理专员(FP/FA)培训实习项目-ADL CBD
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-13 15:53
From: R** SHREE [mailto: @yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 18 September 2013 4:38 PM
To: Coco Hou
本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 27-1-2015 05:31 AM 编辑 大型上市公司管理(成本)会计成功案例 - Kumudu 案例提要: 1,5年半海外工作经历,无澳洲工作经验 2,6个月个人找工经历,有电话面试无任何结果 白金解决方案:白金一级会计实习培训项目 结果:Kumudu用三个月成功获得大型上市公司管理(成本)会计,85K+Super 白金总结:海外移民人士需要尽快获得澳洲专业会计人士的帮助,如果来澳时间过长而未回到会计领域,停滞期过长将不利于移民人士的会计生涯。 Dear everyone, Please join me in congratulating Kumudu’snew job position asfull time Management(Cost) Accountant! We have a large number of interns got hiredin both small-mediansize companies and large listed corporations. Kumudu is oneof the typicalexamples. She joined the program and got hired in less than 3months. Threemonths together with Platinum, she already secured the ManagementAccountant'sjob position. Similar to all the new Accountingimmigrants, she is actually anCharted CPA full-title Accountant back in her owncountry and has over 5 yearsworking experience. But, Half year of job huntingafter her migration, therewas no much respond from the local Australian jobmarket. So, she decided totake action in training herself up with local workingexperience and joined ourLevel 1 Accounting Training and Internship Program. And now, after 3 months systematicallylocal Accountingtraining, she finally got her well-desired position and becomean Accountantagain in Melbourne Australia. Dear Interns, If you come across withdifficulties in findingyour desired position, don't be discouraged, we,Platinum Accounting, willalways be here and help you towards your goal! Keep positive, keep motivated, you will bethere soon. From: Kumudu G*** [mailto:k**@yahoo.com] Sent: Subject: Good news Hi Yolanda, I have good news. :) I got a job as a Management(Cost) Accountant. The training I hadat PlatinumAccounting gave me so much confidence at the interview and I learnta lot about bookkeeping, Tax and MYOB at Platinum. I wouldn't have beenconfident enoughto face the interview if I didn't know anything about GST orpayroll or BAS.And also the interview board was impressed that I was doing aninternshiprather than staying at home. :) I am sure what I did at Platinum would be useful when I start myjob next month.Also, maybe because of my previous overseas SAP workingexperience and CPA qualification, I was lucky enough to working in this type oflarge listedCompany again. Yolanda, Iwould really like to thank you, Jeff, Humam and Amyfor the support you guysbeen given me during the training and Internships. Youall were eager to answerany question any time. And all the best for PlatinumAccounting. Youare doing a great job and I would recommend anyone to starttheir career withyou guys. Warmregards, Kumudu ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any enquiry, please feelfree to contact us! Platinum Accounting Team 白金会计服务团队 |
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-13 16:10
大型上市公司管理(成本)会计成功案例 - Kumudu
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-13 16:11
作为技术移民,许多新移民任然无法直接在澳找到他们的理想工作。Platinum Accounting可以帮助新移民解决 ...
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-13 16:12
From: Ziyodbek *** [@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, November 16, 2013 11:21 PM
To: Coco ***
PerthPlatinum 发表于 2016-7-13 17:03
Dear Everyone,
Please join me in congratulating S***for her new start Assistant Accountant Positi ...
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