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标题: GU卖书 7003MKT & 7205HSL [打印本页]

作者: Daisy_hmily    时间: 2012-7-24 19:02
标题: GU卖书 7003MKT & 7205HSL

7003 MKT   Marketing preatice (新书) ————$ 90 刀

Solomon, M.R., Hughes, A., Chitty, W., Fripp, G., Marshall, G.W. and Stuart, E.W., 2011, Marketing, Prentice Hall, NSW.

7205hsl~ managing the tourism and hospitality workforce(新书)---------- $60刀

Beesley, L.G. (2012).  Managing the tourism and hospitality workforce: A compilation of readings. French’s Forest, NSW: Pearson Education

联系电话: 0426 505 714

作者: miminix    时间: 2012-7-25 23:36
你好 我想跟你買 7003 KMT 那本
請問售出了嗎? 可以打個折嗎?

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