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标题: 单亲妈妈孩子快满6岁,收到centerlink的信,要求两周report [打印本页]
作者: meng 时间: 2019-12-30 15:09
标题: 单亲妈妈孩子快满6岁,收到centerlink的信,要求两周report
1. 已申请明年上Tafe的课;
2. 平时在家里替国内以前的公司做项目,赚得零星收入;
3. 平时偶尔还有代购在做
Have you met the requirements in your Participation Plan for this period?
另外,Participation Plan还有一个补充说明,具体如下:
A Participation Plan means an Employment Pathway Plan under the Social Security Act 1991. If you have Participation Requirements under ParentsNext, you will be required to enter into a Participation Plan with your ParentsNext provider in order to receive payment. If you do not do so, you may not be paid. The Plan may include activities such as (but not limited to):
locally available parenting services
referral to non-vocational support such as health care our counselling services
work or study
referrals to Employment Services for example, jobactive.
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