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标题: Toyota Mr2 1990 and Honda integra 2001 luxury forsale must see [打印本页]

作者: fishball828    时间: 2010-9-24 00:23
标题: Toyota Mr2 1990 and Honda integra 2001 luxury forsale must see
本帖最后由 fishball828 于 2010-9-24 15:01 编辑

i have to two car forsale    toyota mr2 1990   195000km good engine asking for 8000 ono , was asking for 9000 due to need bigger car for work ! bllack on top and red at the bottom new paint and two koi fish at the bonnet looks very nice !! go to carsales for more information  ( 拥有百分百的回头率)

honda integra  black 2001 150000km asking for $12000 got a carbon firber gt wing . full leather check on carsales for more informatino      (要看照片继续往下看)

or contact 0415188855
作者: TypeR    时间: 2010-9-24 00:30
without photo without trues
作者: funnykuma    时间: 2010-9-24 01:50
no photo , no trues
作者: goldendx    时间: 2010-9-24 13:51
no ture...


作者: fishball828    时间: 2010-9-24 14:21
本帖最后由 fishball828 于 2010-9-24 14:26 编辑

各位楼上的请睁大眼睛看清楚广告啊! 都说了 want more information go to carsales !!  有诚意看车的就去那里找 谢谢!
作者: fishball828    时间: 2010-9-24 14:21
回复 2# TypeR

    what ture do you want ?
作者: fishball828    时间: 2010-9-24 14:23
回复 4# goldendx

    thank  you  handsome !!
作者: fishball828    时间: 2010-9-24 14:25
回复 3# funnykuma

    你的意思就是说我骗人罗 ? 。。。。
作者: fishball828    时间: 2010-9-24 14:55

作者: TypeR    时间: 2010-9-24 15:48
you hve already give the trues.. thx
作者: AirMartin    时间: 2010-9-24 16:01
pop up lights
looks really cool, but costs much to repair if broken
作者: goldendx    时间: 2010-9-24 16:43

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